Thursday, April 28, 2011


Kayson had his FIRST camping experience.... and where better to start than one of our favorite destinations.... The West Desert!

The first night out there we slept in our tent, including our little Kayson! Thanks to his Grandma Madsen, he slept warmer than the rest of us in his very own sleeping bag! He slept the whole night and was so good in the tent. We had him bundled so good and tight!

Our first ventures took us touring around the North side of the Desert and our first stop was "Name-Rock" ( I don't know if these names are politically correct, but that's what my dad calls it, so that is what we all go by)
It's this big random rock/cave, kind of in the middle of nowhere, that has past sheepherder's names inside, engraved in rock!

It really is neat and means a lot to our family or any other sheepherding family!
You can't see it well, but this is my dad's rock carved in 1984. We also found my Grandpa Aagard's and Uncle Scott's names carved in various rocks.

Kayson had a grand time touring around the desert.

Most of my family was able to come, aside from Alyson (who was home with her sick baby Christian) and Benji, Kaden, and Rebekah.

Here is Jenny with her two cute boys Josh and Jake! They were so cute and fun and couldn't of enjoyed anything more than catching their horney toad!

Here we all are, getting ready to hike to the Hermit's Cave!

In one of the canyons, inside one of the rock walls, a Hermit built himself a little hut! It was really cool and quite the cool sleeping quarters.

Brandon, Dad, Coby, and Kays

Me and my beautiful sister Jenny!

Kenzington and Kayson were the best little traveling buddies!

Although this time of year is typically really hot out on the desert, it was kind of cold and windy most of the time. We still had a great time and once again, thanks to Grandma Madsen for making Kayson this little 'Snuggie/Hoodie' ensemble. He stayed warm and loved being in it!

Kayson loved sitting by the fire, watching it burn.

Here's grandma and grandpa with some of the kids coloring Easter eggs.

We were also able to celebrate Coby's 27th birthday out there! We had cupcakes out by 'Sand-Mountain'

I can't believe he is already 27! Man, are we getting up there. I love you though Cob and hope you had a great great birthday!

Blowing out the candles on his cupcakes!

The second and third nights we slept in the sheep camp with Amanda and Kenzi!

Although we were nervous that the Easter Bunny wouldn't find us clear out on the desert, he did and we had a fabulous Easter!!

Kayson got some books, socks, teething rings, a new church outfit, a little bunny, and lots of clothes.

Kayson sportin' his new Easter outfit!

Love the bunny on the bum!
Aside from the 3 flat tires, broken down truck, and cold/windy weather.... we had a GREAT time and have found ourselves a new camping buddy!! Kayson was golden! He takes after his mommy and daddy for their love of the outdoors and camping. We had such a great time and can't wait to go again!


  1. Hey Jess! He is so cute! Hopefully our little dudes will be friends someday! Also, I was going to write to you, Landry has Exzema (however you spell it..) pretty bad too. We went to the Dr for some cream also. That helped a lot. We also put Aquaphor on him twice a day ALLOVER! We put it on him when we first change him out of his jammies and then at night when he goes into his jammies right before bed. It helps so much! He still gets little patches here and there but it doesn't seem to bother him as much anymore.

    We go through a big tub of it in like a week. It is really greasy and sucks sometimes to put it on him but it's worth it :) I used to put baby lotion on him alot, but that doesn't seem to help at all, so we just do Aquaphor.

    I know you didn't ask, but I thought I would just share with you anyways ;) It sucks when they are so small and something is bothering them cause they can't tell you. Well hope you guys are doing good! Take care!!!

  2. What a great time (despite the cold)!! So fun to look back on the pics. You have such an adorable little family! Love you.

  3. Looks like you guys had a fun camping trip with the fam, and what a cute little bunny bum!!
    (P.S. Happy to hear the good news about your dad. Your dad and family are always in our prayers:))
