Monday, July 30, 2012

Summer Fun

Here's a little look into our summer so far......
The 4th of July was so much fun this year!! Due to not really having any plans, we decided to have some of our family come out to Delta and celebrate with us!

Shane and Shanell came out to play in an all-night volleyball tournament with us!
It was so much fun and we ended up taking 2nd!
4th parade
Kenz just enjoying a treat!

More parade fun!
My parents, Alyson and Nate's family, Amanda and Brandon's family, and my aunts Annie and Ellen were all able to come out to Delta to celebrate with us!  We were so glad they could all come spend the day!

This was the first parade we'd been to, where Kayson got the concept of grabbing candy.  He loved it and we all had a great time.  He loved the bands and horses too!

After lunch we headed over to the park for the festivities.  And boy did we join in for the "Trout Catch"
They would separate the kids into different age groups and let them all take turns trying to catch fish!
It was so much fun and everyone loved it!
Action Shot! :)
Everyone caught fish!! Kays was so into it!
                                        Our big catch!

                                    Lovin' the fish!!

   The fish catch was a huge hit and a new tradition for us "Deltan's".  Too bad I don't like to eat or    cook fish! :)

              After more eating and treats, nap times, etc, we took everyone out to the Rez!!

                                   We all had so much fun swimming!

                               Kayson and Christian are such good buds!

                                This summer we've also had good times visiting Mayfield!!
                                 Kayson and Grandpa Reid
         Reid made the most adorable airplane swing and Kayson could have stayed on it for hours!!
 July 7th, we celebrated our 6th anniversary! I cannot believe it has been that long!  We were able to go to the temple, go out to breakfast, go boating with Coby's family, and drive up the mountain to see our tree!
 So grateful for Coby in my life and all he does for Kayson and I! He is such a great husband and father!
We also got our first pet this summer.... a little kitten for Kayson! He absolutely loved it.  Yes, I say loved, because after only a week of having it, we just found out that our neighbors called the vet and had it taken away.  They didn't know we had just got it and thought it was a stray kitten wandering into their yard.  So sad! :(  I had to post about it though cause Kayson loved every minute with it and would just chase it around.  He also named it Pete!  While we were going through names... that's the one he picked out and kept repeating it. 

So long kitty..... :(
          Kayson loves being outside and has so much fun playing with Coby!!
         He would play outside all day if it'd just let him have the hose :) 
        We've also had a lot of fun little swimming parties outside with our little pool!

      And great times out to the REZ!! So glad Kayson LOVES water!

We are loving life and loving summer and trying to make the most of it!

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