For any of you who know me, then you most likely know that Lamb Days is my most favorite time of year!! I absolutely love the holiday and can't wait for it to get here every year. As always, the week was full of the town co-ed softball tournament which happened every night. We love playing in it every year.... unfortunately I was on the sidelines being a cheerleader, supporting Coby. But you better believe I will be back and playing next year (with no prego belly:)
During the middle of the week, we were able to go swimming at Burastons with our cousins Josie and Marc, along with Amanda and Brandon. It was so much fun. Here are some pics of the boys and their craziness on the huge rope swing!
Here are me and my sisters at the parade!
And the brotherly-in-law love shown here by the excited guys :)
Another new festivity currently joining the Lamb Day fun, is the now annual volleyball tournament. Once again, I was on the side line.... and have I ever mentioned to anyone how much I hate watching from the side. I would so much rather be playing, especially when it comes to volleyball. None the less, I was a great coach :) and babysitter!
Coby, Amanda, Jenny, and Brandon playing 4-on-4

They came out victorious.... and claimed the title of "Lamb Day Volleyball Champs 2010"
Everybody's muscles and my hubby's poor injured arm. He re-opened (for like the 3rd time) a huge scab on his arm and it started bleeding pretty bad. Luckily here we had bandages and a wrap, but the first night all we had were the supplies of a diaper bag..... so yep, you guessed it.... we cleaned it with baby wipes and wrapped it with a diaper!! :) I literally almost peed my pants, it was so funny.
Team prizes

I was so proud of my little team (I call it my team..... just so I can feel involved:)
All in all, Lamb Days was once again a huge success! Filled with lots of fun, family, food, and softball/volleyball. Can't wait til next year! Mark your calendars for the 3rd weekend in July 2011.
Another new festivity currently joining the Lamb Day fun, is the now annual volleyball tournament. Once again, I was on the side line.... and have I ever mentioned to anyone how much I hate watching from the side. I would so much rather be playing, especially when it comes to volleyball. None the less, I was a great coach :) and babysitter!
They came out victorious.... and claimed the title of "Lamb Day Volleyball Champs 2010"
Everybody's muscles and my hubby's poor injured arm. He re-opened (for like the 3rd time) a huge scab on his arm and it started bleeding pretty bad. Luckily here we had bandages and a wrap, but the first night all we had were the supplies of a diaper bag..... so yep, you guessed it.... we cleaned it with baby wipes and wrapped it with a diaper!! :) I literally almost peed my pants, it was so funny.
I was so proud of my little team (I call it my team..... just so I can feel involved:)
All in all, Lamb Days was once again a huge success! Filled with lots of fun, family, food, and softball/volleyball. Can't wait til next year! Mark your calendars for the 3rd weekend in July 2011.